About two months ago, I sat watching a German commercial TV network project...covering the forced-exit of German migrants who had failed in their application....gotten into some bad-boy legal problems, and were being 'escorted' out of Germany (meaning they weren't agreeable about leaving).
So the police went down the process.
First, you had the application or the paperwork....which was either pass-or-fail. If you failed, in most cases....legal applications were put into motion....trying for a review or second-chance. As he spoke to this....it amounts to paperwork, review-process, and final-judgement....in essence, MAN-HOURS.
In some cases, the applicant give a minimum amount of information...sometimes deceiving the Germans. This adds onto more man-hours.
During this period of application, review, and denial.....there's basic housing and supported provided.
Once the application goes to the deport status....then you have to go to the applicants original country and convince them to take the person back. Sometimes it work....sometimes not.
Finally, when the country says yes, and there's a entry pass for the guy....the bigger problem comes up.
You end up scheduling a group....typically 16 to 20....which you have to surprise them at early AM hours, with a grab-and-go police team....taking the guy/gal to some airport.
You, the gov't has rented a jet, and these 16-to-20 folks are handcuffed in the airport, and escorted by two police officers each. There's a couple of extra cops for this flight...sitting in reserve.
So you can figure around 40-to-45 cops who will spend a whole day (probably 18-to-24 hours) getting to x-country....dumping the prisoners, refueling the plane, and flying back to Germany.
For each situation, from the start to the end....there's probably 400 man-hours devoted to this (figure roughly 12k Euro), and the aircraft rental cost.
Even if you did like five flights a week like this from somewhere in Germany....it'd be tens of years to accomplish the job....even if no one else got into 'line'.
I sat there after the show....pondering this.
Even if the AfD Party has some big priority about dumping a bunch of migrants (say half-a-million)....the system is not designed to handle anything like that.
You could triple the capacity of the process, and I would imagine it's still likely to take ten years.
The better process? I think I'd do a mindset change....I'd bring in the 'bad-boys' and put them in some 12-month training camp. You'd fill sandbags....get forced into German culture/history classes....get treated like 8-year old brats, and given heavy doses of motivation and inspiration. If they weren't up to the task of good behavior....make them beg to return home.